Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Come Come Earn Money!!! HUAT AR!!!

In this world of limited time, we all have our jobs to chase with. What would you do when you need more money than your job could give? Need some way to earn extra cash on the net? You heard of earning money by 'monetizing your blog', let me share something else with you, almost the same concept but a little different.

We all would have Facebook and Twitter right? We post status, tweet, wall to wall to inform friends around us about thing we wanna share or events we interested to join in. Do the same thing and earn money this time =]

Introducing to you: Churp Churp!!

It is as simple as Nuffnang, the only differences is you could put your 'source of money' anywhere you like, Facebook, Twitter, Emails, you name it!! All you have to do is to copy the 'Message'( Used for Twitter) or 'Link' (Used for anything else) and paste it wherever where people could see it and click on it. Based on the campaign, they will pay as per contract to you, easy right?? And it is also easy to register and have everything done, all you have to do is following instructions, be a good boy/girl alright... xD

So what are you waiting for? Register and earn money now!! All you have to do is click>>> Churp Churp~

Mr.E signing out, money is everywhere, it just depends on you to catch it or not =]


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