Saturday, April 30, 2011


3 movies in a day..PHEW~ but is surely a nice thing to do, sooooo relaxing!! =D

1st up...
I watch the DVD version of course, I wont want anything spoiled by those cinema cuttings hehe...
A relationship started by sex, who knows it would get so romantic?
I rate this movie: 9/10
Credits goes to the laughters, sexy scenes and heart warming scenes that made me wanna cry sob* sob* T^T
One point deducted because...there couldn't be a perfection, so i just minus a mark from there xD
But seriously, I love this movie a lot, it reflects how love could change a person and how far people can go to love someone they treasure, no sickness would stop them =]


Donnie Yen~~ GAAAAHHH~~~
Movies that stare Donnie Yen as main character recently would surely be that "I want fight 10!!!"
No doubt "关羽" is a strong character not only psychically but spiritually too.
I rate this movie: 5/5
Credit goes to Donnie Yen and his for fighting so many people alone..the credits are for the fighting scene.. And some for having the effort to make "曹操" look like a good guy, and really show how "曹操" became Emperor in the end...Patiences.
The points are lose become...I too simple.. even the fighting is limited and Donnie Yen seem to be old? His acts (Not fighting acts) looks stiff, maybe it is for the character..but..well... There is nothing so special about this movie already.

Wow...should we just jump to the rating?
I rate this movie 4/10
Yes, failed! I dun even know why I gave an 4!!? Ok fine, I gave it for Chris Hemsworth's muscles, Mjöllnir, Natalie Portman and one more credit for the "quite" entertaining fighting scenes.
Ok, why is it so bad? Disappointment, when you see the God Of Thunder with the hammer of "endless bolt" dun't really have enough thunder in it...Yes, I said it, too little thunder all the way in the movie. The Gods!! Odin!!?? Loki!!?? Looks...Looks... Is not like what I read from the Norse's myth, or Stan Lee's version makes Loki a "gay"? Wat the!?
The worth is just that you could sit back and relax the movie without your brain moving...cause the movie is also stupid enough for you to not use your brains at all... Thanks for giving my mind a break, God Of Thunder!!

Mr .E singing out...Movie Marathon..Ain't bad at all =]

Thursday, April 28, 2011

May's Auto City

The picture says it all =]

50% discount!!! Mothers and B'day people!!

Mr.E signing out, happening, happening~

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


为了保护他们幸福,撒的谎.害怕真相会毁灭他们之间的信任,瞒着对方,欺骗对方,善意的谎言: 白色谎言.


这也许就是为什么神创造的第一对情人是单纯无知的,直到他们尝了禁果,被上帝赶出伊甸园. 从此带着能"分辨善恶的能力",置疑世界.

别人的谎,别人的真相; 是不会还你自由,只会让你困在"信任与疑心"的分叉路. 那种烦恼便是白色谎言存在的理由,不想让自己爱的人体验到那种痛苦.宁愿默默的背着自己的罪孽,鄙视自己不能坦白,鄙视自己如此卑鄙,恨自己竟然把你和他带进这种困境. 他再也不敢在直视你的眼,因为你的双眼会反映他的卑鄙.

谎言一旦被分析好是百是黑后,就该被原谅吗? 即使是为你好,明天的明天,你还会信任他吗?

Monday, April 25, 2011


♠                     ♥                        ♣                           ♦

The patterns of a deck, do you know what these symbols means?

- Leaf, Sword, War, Power, Adversity and challenge, Fire
- Heart, Love and Emotion, Romances, Roses, Cups, Water
- Acorns, Wands, Agriculture, Inner wisdom, Industriousness and creative enthusiasm, Wind
- Bells, Pentacles/Coins, Wealth and Riches, Material Possessions and Physical Well-Being, Earth

If you would do pick a symbol, which would you pick? And why....?

Mr.E signing out, "Pick a card, any card" =]

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Do it, While 爱 Still Prevails.

"Do it, while 爱 still prevails" 你懂这句话的意识吗?

懊悔无及, is too late. 
翻然悔悟, what else could you do?

人偏偏就喜欢这样, you only realized a bird can really fly away when it flew away from you, but the questions is:"飞走了,它还会回来吗?"

爱一个人 = Rocket Science

无条件付出? 在谈恋爱,还是在谈生意? "Profit" & "Priority" shouldn't exist in love.
But if what you get in the end really matters, 预备 for "空虚" 吧!!

一手独拍,虽疾无声. When you shout to the mountains, they give you back what you shouted. That's 大自然, is 自然的. 违反nature, 哭的 will be you.

犯贱, is translated to "Human"
But "Human" 不是几这字就能被形容 that easy. 犯贱或逃脱, the answer is still unseen.
= H-U-M-A-N = 5个字 ; = L-O-V-E = 4个字, 哪个比哪个复杂?

但我知道, If you let your hand off the kite, it won't always end up on a tree, waiting for you to fetch it back. And 断了线的风筝,即使被你从树上领回,也未必会为你再次飞翔...
So before it is too late...
So better you regret...
So before you wish upon the star to rewind time...
For you & another one's sake...求你, 趁LOVE在于优胜, DO IT!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Red Riding Hood- CHECKED!!

"From the director of Twilight" = "Remake Of Twilight Without Vampires"

Rate this movie 7/10
Credits goes to the "mysterious mysterious" theme that works like just like a Japanese Movie (Mysterious but not scary at all) and of course, for Amanda's "Big Blue Eyes With Black Lining" stare that make the movie more "Mysterious". The "doubting" thing is also the interesting part of the movie, their tag line is something like: "Trust No One". I like it. Well as the love story thing... Let's talk that in the points lost part =]

Points lost because of the love story. I dunno but why do the "Red Riding Hood"'s lover have to be the wolf in the end?? Is that a necessary thing? For her to be with a Big Black Dog?? Yes, I said Big Black Dog, I wouldn't expect much a werewolf when I saw "From the director of Twilight". I a dog, not a wolf  = =

Overall...Not a bad movie at all which still could get my 7 points out of 10... That's at least something I can do for Amanda xD And again I warn you!! 


"Grandmother, what big eyes you have!"
"All the better to see with, my child."

"Grandmother, what big ears you have!"
"All the better to hear with, my child."

"Grandmother, what big teeth you have got!"
"All the better to eat you up with!!"

Mr.E signing out, cinema is where interesting things happened too, off the record from here please*****
Met 3 girls, which I could easily tell they are high school girls, and which I could easily tell they are crazy or have a hyper active thing around their brain, laugh and was playing in the cinema while the movie is playing. An annoyed guy "SHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!' them and they obediently become quiet for the whole movie. Interesting part: After the movie ends and the lights were open, one of the girls stood up, and from what I see... Is trying to look for the guy who "SHHHHHHH!!" them..WTH? What can you do when you find him little girl? You wanna give the wolf free dinner? Come to me then xD

= = Signing off~

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Everybody is talking about scandal, and everybody love to listen to scandals (As long it is not their scandal story). And since everybody are talking about it, I m gonna talk about it too!! THIS IS MY SCANDAL!! 

"Shoujo S"

The SCANDAL's members :
Ona Haruna-Vocals & Rhythm Guitar
Sasazaki Mami - Lead Guitar & Vocal
Suzuki Rina - Drums & Vocal
Ogawa Tomomi - Bass & Vocal

High school girls + Rocking Instruments = Every men's fantasy :D 
Yea, they are all my scandals, bite me xD

Yes, I think I din't talk about the scandal you wanna listen but sorry, I dun write about celebrities scandal story, it is boring when you compared to a gang of  "lolipop sucking high school girls that rock beautiful music!!"

Mr.E signing off, scandal are bad, only when people notice it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Beautiful World

Beautiful things are all just around the corner, could you see it?

Mr.E signing out, gonna get back to my beautiful world~ =]

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I dunno if I would feel better but....

I AM SO FREAKING STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no idea I would be that that that stupid, EDWARD!!! PLEASE BE MORE ALERT AND AWARE OF WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU, YOU WILL LOSE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES LIKE THAT !!!!!!!!!!

I AM SO FREAKING STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr.E signing out,PLEASE BE ALERT STUPID E!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bad day!!??

After the romances and humors of the movie, I head out of the cinema with tight lungs that is giving me a very very hard time to breath (as if I was going to die, but it wont't let me die cause I haven't return all my debts of life an if I die it would be too easy for me, so I won't die but my lungs is giving me a hard time). Which gives me the decision to not head back home yet, that would return make me dead ( Either Boredom or Emo-ness will be the murderer)

Dinner in Gurney Drive, same old food, nothing good yet the crowd have its way to convince you that the food there is nice. The decision to eat there isn't a mistake. Me and my buddy got our eyes polish by truly truly beautiful scenes (If you know what I am talking about xD) Does everything look good when you just dun have the mood?
Gurney Drive is only nice when you have a purpose to be there. Weekends there with a camera would be marvelous!! Bubbles flying above your head (I am not dreaming and I am not high), Traffic was heavy, lights are everywhere, plenty of people walking around...If you going to make a photo album with "Busy" as theme, head to Gurney Drive at around 2200HRS, you will get served. Despite the beautiful scenes and flying bubbles, I dun have a camera with me at that time (Please dun mention camera phone) that makes me feel how much I can't live without my camera T^T

We head to Gurney Place and are so surprised that Gurney Place was packed!! (Or not packed? Cause I am a stay-at-house, or the the Chinese called "宅男", I have no idea) And the only reason to be at a packed place, is to polish our eyes, my eyes even got coated!! WOOHOO!!
And then I only notice: 丁当 is coming to Gurney on Sunday!!! Why did only notice it now!!? She is coming on 17th April, 1430 HRS. I am working. Great. "No camera + Work Day = Forget about it".

The feeling of not getting home is still there in me, and my lungs are still continuing their torments which give me an idea... The best way to cure tight lungs: Alcohol. But after some consideration, alcohol is financially not a wise decision (That is the one and truly good advantage of staying in Langkawi). So we sit down waste our time commenting on the things around us (That means we comment about things around us, not gossip about what is happening in life!! Guys just dun do that!! Once in a while maybe, but the time has to be absolute =] )
Time just passed by like that..which finally i thought : Just go home...Just see what there is installed for me... I get my Still-Tight-ing-Lungs and heavy ass up, and obediently head home. And indeed, something was installed for me at home.

I reach home to find out that my PC is dying (My brother told me is dead, but the times I spent with my PC makes me wise enough to know she is not dead yet!). She can't boot up anymore, it has being happening for days. When I was home, my brother has already done some "autopsy" on her and found a thousand years dust on her (If you know what i meant xD). Well...since she is "Opened", I decided to clean her up, with a vacuum cleaner( You seen anybody clean a PC with vacuum cleaner? Too bad you missed it hahaha). After all the cleaning, mourning and praying, nothing changed, she still only Beeps 6 times on boot up and fail to start.(Any IT experts here? What does 6 beeps means? The web told me is the keyboard, but it sound ridiculous, and i reckon it is not that problem!). I really start to mourn... I need to save my stuff in there, everything I have is in the PC, i can't lose it. It is my main entertainment in life, I do this with that and I can't lose that which eventually will cause me to stop this that I definitely would not want that to happen!! That hits me even more... Tighten lungs + Broken heart + Tiring brain = Let's Sleep. I took my bath, pet my PC asking her to please dun leave me, say good night to my fellow "Bed-Mates", lay my head on to the pillow and I took seconds that I was transfered to "I Now Declare The Best Dream I Ever Had!!"

Yes, It was the best dream that I ever had, Officially declared today!! I start off really really really really weird (Glad it was a dream) but the middle and the end was terrific!! (Wish it was real). It was all broken when I woke up all the sudden( Still not aware I had a dream), without my alarm ringing off. Which means I have more time to sleep and so I did. When I was waken by my alarm, I open my eyes and look out through the window...astonished by the flaming red sky, I mourn again that the camera was not with me...( I really can't live without it already =/ ) Which on the same time I realize my eyes are hurting and everything was kinda clear but a bit blur which is usual when i woke up in the morning...hmmm....O ya~ my contacts is still in my eyes = = (Which is also the same time I recall and realize I had the best dream EVER)
With burly, hurting and sleepy eyes, I wiped my phone out (I feel if I just let it go, I will regret truly), so I took a shoot like this:

I just woke up so please be kind, I know it is out of composition  and everything, and it is really really really a waste of its beautiful... Hope there is next time, with a real camera please.
And..The next thing I thought of is my PC. I went to turn it on and...WALA~~ She works!! But the starting took quite long, I took that time to have my bath and everything, get a cup of Milo and two piece of bread and hurry my way to my PC (Happy that she is still alive =] ) And so I save everything I could from my PC to my Hard-drive. I actually din't save much, I only save my pictures, they are my priority of life, and the rest...I can download it back anytime, no problems~(Plus my Hard-Drive dun't have to much space left)

And the next thing i know, here I am, writing this extremely long "passage" that happened last night and today morning, it seem short, just a few hours but it would turn out to be such long thing that i presume nobody is going to read till the end.. But I guess what I am trying to say was.. My tight lungs that are going to murder me  gave me a good night sleep (I seriously haven't get to sleep so well and felt so energetic in the morning as today)  with The Best Dream. After The Best Dream, comes the flaming red beautiful red sky...everything seem to be so beautiful all over again. I wish my life would be better, but isn't it already better?

Mr.E signing out, bad day? The next morning fixed everything, so just smile on~  =]

Just Go With It-CHECKED!!!

Just as expected, no disappointment throughout the whole movie. The romances and humor is all there, not to mention hot bodies, OUCH!!

Rate this movie 10/10, MUST WATCH!! (Even though it took so long for me to catch this movie =/ )
All credits goes to the romance and humor that both almost made me cry, like tis>>>  :')
And you could learn some pick-up phrases (If you are desperate enough), which proof quite useful in movies, wonder does reality accept those hmmmm...
I din't know Nicole Kidman is in this movie, special guest D:

So yes, is a must watch. It really makes you want to fall in love all over again, seriously =]
(It also makes you want to go to Hawaii xD)

Mr E signing out:
"I would love to spend 23 hours a day with them" 
"What about the another hour?"

Thursday, April 14, 2011

History Of The Middle Finger

Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers.Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future.This famous English longbow was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as "plucking the yew" (or "pluck yew").

Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, See, we can still pluck yew!Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodentals fricative F', Combining the middle finger post and the word 'Fuck You', this insult have become the most famous, internationally recognized, a never ending trend that lasted till today. 

I love mini-me!!!! :D

Mr.E signing off,  _|_^0^ Pluck-yew~!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


[转贴] 觉得很有意识..分享下 =]



1. 爱是尊重,爱是信任






祝你能找传说的幸福 ^^

Saturday, April 9, 2011


人生就像一个棋局. 错了一步,满盘皆输.

回想过去, 问问自己,到底是走错了那个棋子?
是因为我有攻无防? 防守缺攻? 




Friday, April 8, 2011



ASSIGNMENT 表烦我!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> < !!!!!!!!!!

How far could we go?

We, who are weak, how far could we go?
Seriously, let me ask you, how far could you go?
What motivates and powered you to move on each and everyday second?
The 24HRS pumping heart? The 24HRS thinking brain? Or the 24HRS emotional mind?

We all know, life is tough.
No matter how you are born, the day you meet the wave will sure come..
Endless waves of events in life, the twist and turns,
As what they called "The Symphony Of Life"

The ups and downs of life will fatigue us,
We all have limits, we all would one lay on the bed,
Wishing that we dun have to get out of bed anymore.
Tired as it is, we lose expectations in life.

Think again, look around you...
You have survived until today.
Maybe all you need is just some faith, something to believe in.
Maybe that something is, yourselves.
Maybe all you went through so far is just to seek acknowledgement of someone,
Maybe that someone is yourselves.

When we dun't have faith in ourselves,
That is when we start to doubt ourselves.
When we doubt ourselves,
That is when everything start doesn't make sense anymore.
When we lose sense,
That is when you lose everything.

Dun you think so?
Isn't it better to have something to have faith in, so everything you go through has its meaning?
And if there is something that needed to be believe in, why not yourselves?

Now tell me, just how far could you now go?

Mr.E signing out, maybe if tomorrow would just be another yesterday, would it be any good?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bandai 1/35 Code Geass- Guren Type 2 (Royal Coating Version)

:D Finally here~~!!

Let's Start Building...

Cockpit... With Karen inside

The 'Truly' Metallic Claw!!!
The Whole Point Of The Figure :D
The Upper Part...

The ultimate weapon...The Touch Of Death..
Guren'sRadiation Wave Arm

 Look At The Claws Man!!!

I am totally in love it with WOOOHOO!!!! Royal Coating does it job very well and Guren itself makes it perfect. The only concern is... The weight of the gigantic claws is a real burden to Guren's body, makes it real hard to stand... The rollers dun help..
But however~~~ It all pays off when it has it metallic

Mr.E signing out, SATISFACTION!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What We Have Lost...

I received an e-mail that goes as:

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, 

Mr. Common Sense.

Sense had been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons such as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge).

His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; but, could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge financial settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.

He is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.

This..Is so true...That is what exactly our world is right now...and everybody have lost common sense for the sake of themselves...

Where is all the love? 

Where is all kindness? 

Where is all the responsibility? 

Have you lost your common sense?

Mr.E signing off...I can't stop thinking much much sense this writing brings... Cheers.. To a better world...

Monday, April 4, 2011


Conclusion...I still prefer the one i always go...the Bah Kut Teh that has no shope name haha
Wondering why people so like 老夫子's Bah Kut Teh...?

Mr. E signing out, I miss the taste now =/

Sunday, April 3, 2011



印度人: What is this Batu Feringgi??
我:This is the beach area.

他拿了笔,在地图上的Batu Feringgi旁写: B-I-T-C-H

我偷笑 xD

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Days With Camera-Through My Window

Finally get to try some long exposure shoots:

 Note: The blur is due to the rain =]

Mr E signing out~ My window has nice view hor~ xD

Friday, April 1, 2011

Foolin' April

April's here!! New month, new movies!! (This ain't an April Fool thing)

1st up, this movie was release yesterday, let me fit in to tis month...
Adam Sandler is back!! And with a good duo he have...the beautiful Jennifer Aniston. This gonna be real real fun :D  Well...I did get the idea why it takes so long for Malaysia to decide screening this movie...Most probably because of Brooklyn Decker's bikini scene, I duno~ I'm just sayin'~ xD 
But no doubt.. It surely will have some giggle if Adam Sandler is around, just hope you dun ROFLOL in the cinema!!
Release Date: 31th March 2011

Another movie that takes even much much longer time for Malaysia to screening this movie, originally release on 24th November 2011. Yeah, last year's. Advise: Go download and watch this movie, there is too much things to cut in the cinema, get to watch Anna'll leave that to you =3
Release Date: 14th April 2011
Ghost face is back!!! After 10 years!!?? Geeezh...recently they like to bring back old movie huh... anyways...I m not really a "Ghost face" fan but...I m definitely a Kristen Bell's fan!! Have to watch her being kill...or not... Let's see how it goes =]
Release Date: 15th April 2011
Wow...the old old old times children story... And you do the make it into a movie... FYI, it has nothing to do with the "children story book" Red Riding Hood, totally different plot. Here, they are not dealing with a mere wolf, they are dealing with a werewolf and... This is Red Riding Hood girl here....
Familiar? Mama Mia! Surely, they have to pick someone as beautiful as Amanda Seyfried for such character, it is hard to find fantasy-like beautiful ladies, right? xP
Release Date: 21th April 2011

And finally, another movie from fantasy world... The God Of Thunder being cast down to Earth to be a human... Sounds like Hercules..with thunder?? I dunno much but..most probably would be a good movie, since they are talking about Thor, it won't become a bad movie, i guess...
Release Date: 28th April 2011

That's all... We have scream this month as old movie sequel... But next month.. We have even more anticipating sequel... Trust me, it is worth the wait till next month =]

Mr E, signing out, watch your back, dun get fooled!!

梁静茹 @ Penang!! LIVE!!

31/3/11@ Prangin Mall....
6 PM...
7.30 PM
Ticket To Enter Digi Zone, which is nearer to the stage
 Her transport hehe..Let me aim diao d..

After a long wait...Finally!!

Aunty syok si!!!

Thirsty ~ Thirsty ~

Signing time~~~

梁静茹 's manager, busying chasing ppl away = =

Tired of signing so much hor...
She's sweating...Pity her...

She's leaving...I am this this close to her when I took this shoot, But this shoot also cause me to miss a shoot where she says 'Bye-Bye' to me =/ Shutter Lag!!! > <"
Here is some pictures that the media wont show you...Lost In Transaction™ 独家刊止!!

 The OMG Face!!! Wonder what the person told her...
They say you should have enough sleep so that something like this doesn't happen...xD

Mr.E signing out, wishing 梁静茹 success in her career, well...she kinda already has, already got her own production office d...but all the best on every you do =]