Saturday, April 30, 2011


3 movies in a day..PHEW~ but is surely a nice thing to do, sooooo relaxing!! =D

1st up...
I watch the DVD version of course, I wont want anything spoiled by those cinema cuttings hehe...
A relationship started by sex, who knows it would get so romantic?
I rate this movie: 9/10
Credits goes to the laughters, sexy scenes and heart warming scenes that made me wanna cry sob* sob* T^T
One point deducted because...there couldn't be a perfection, so i just minus a mark from there xD
But seriously, I love this movie a lot, it reflects how love could change a person and how far people can go to love someone they treasure, no sickness would stop them =]


Donnie Yen~~ GAAAAHHH~~~
Movies that stare Donnie Yen as main character recently would surely be that "I want fight 10!!!"
No doubt "关羽" is a strong character not only psychically but spiritually too.
I rate this movie: 5/5
Credit goes to Donnie Yen and his for fighting so many people alone..the credits are for the fighting scene.. And some for having the effort to make "曹操" look like a good guy, and really show how "曹操" became Emperor in the end...Patiences.
The points are lose become...I too simple.. even the fighting is limited and Donnie Yen seem to be old? His acts (Not fighting acts) looks stiff, maybe it is for the character..but..well... There is nothing so special about this movie already.

Wow...should we just jump to the rating?
I rate this movie 4/10
Yes, failed! I dun even know why I gave an 4!!? Ok fine, I gave it for Chris Hemsworth's muscles, Mjöllnir, Natalie Portman and one more credit for the "quite" entertaining fighting scenes.
Ok, why is it so bad? Disappointment, when you see the God Of Thunder with the hammer of "endless bolt" dun't really have enough thunder in it...Yes, I said it, too little thunder all the way in the movie. The Gods!! Odin!!?? Loki!!?? Looks...Looks... Is not like what I read from the Norse's myth, or Stan Lee's version makes Loki a "gay"? Wat the!?
The worth is just that you could sit back and relax the movie without your brain moving...cause the movie is also stupid enough for you to not use your brains at all... Thanks for giving my mind a break, God Of Thunder!!

Mr .E singing out...Movie Marathon..Ain't bad at all =]


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