Thursday, May 26, 2011

Priest- CHECKED!!!!

Okay okay~ I know it is already out there for sooooo long~but I am a very busy guy you know, I have a life and not caught up in the internet everyday, bleuk~ xP

Straight to the deal please, this movie gets:
5/10 from me..and here's why:
Credit goes all to the idea of the movie. Soul-less vampire (I rather called them 4 legs monsters), half destroyed world, fighting priest wit cross made weapons, quarantined cities and so on~ all these ideas, ROCKS! Fighting priest, yes good. Infect priest that becomes, A REAL VAMPIRE, Brilliant! Who made this up!!? He is so smart! Seriously.
Now, with all the good ideas...they wasted it... Too less fighting... Too much talking... Things goes too easy... The idea was good, but the not so good.

So if you were like me...STILL haven't watch the movie after so long released.. I said watch it. The coolness and the idea is enough to make your eyes stay opened to watch. Or the priest is gonna kick your ass! xD

Mr.E signing out:

"To go against the church, is to go against God"

Religious communism? Good idea, really. 


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