Monday, July 18, 2011

How To Get Smarter

Exam coming up... You study and study and study again and again but you just can't get it in your brains? You start to wish how nice it is if you are as smart as Einsteins, or better than him? Actually we humans are not all born "equipped" with intelligent like a dog who can recognize people by just smell or a chimpanzee who can solve math problem as long as the reward is a banana, but it is still possible for us to be as smart as a paint. Here's how:

Ways To Get Smarter!!

Just in case you don't know what meditate means, it generally involves quiet, focused breathing exercises in which the person is able to achieve a state of mental calm. You know why aliens are smart? Because they have big brains!! Researchers believe that meditation affects the size of your brain,  and that memory, function, attention span and focus all benefit from meditation. One study showed that regular daily meditation can even increase the size of parts of the cerebral cortex. So get into it!!

Exercise Your Brain 
As kids, we were taught that exercise are important, yes it is. In order to maintain strength and vitality, our brain also need some exercise to train and jump-start those dead brain cells of yours. Some common brain strengthening exercises are like crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and other word- and number-based brain teasers. If you are lazy to do the thinking, by just reading this post of mind, your brain is actually exercising! Congrats! I just made you one-step smarter xD. Seriously, reading is also a form of exercise of your brain. Worst to worst, if you are those type that will fall asleep at the glance of a book, fear not! Just try brushing your teeth with the opposite hand or walking a different way to work forces your brain to work harder than usual, it helps the lazy you to get smarter =3

Try the Moon-Walk :D

Get Some Sleep
You see, sleeping is not useless after! That explain that guy from my class who sleeps during class but ending up scoring straight As' in SPM and left teachers dumbfounded, TEACHER FAIL!! between six and eight hours of sleep for adults is generally recommended. Prof? Research now indicates that the brain may actually do a little nighttime filing during sleep. Proofs? Dun you realize sleeping problem will always have effects on your brain? There~ explained. Researchers indicates the information from the previous day is kept and will be sorted to proper "mental location"  during your sleep. So by sleeping, you are giving your memories a chance to make the journey from short-term memory to long-term.

See how smart he becomes sleeping so much?

Take Care of Your Body
 The most important point of keeping your brain alive, is to take good care of your body. Your body are all connect, one affect another. Only in rare case that you will get and extremely smart brain with legs that are unable to walk, it only happens to Professor X. Only in TV you see.

It is logical enough that exercise improves you brain. By exercising, it increase your blood flow kicks up the oxygen and glucose levels in the brain, that's why you get to sleep after jogging despite your tired body, cause your brain is in top "freshness". The style you perform exercises also gives the brain an exercise, especially if you're trying something new, as I mention above.

Food is also important. Eating monkey brains can't help. You should take fish oil, eggs, protein and dark green vegetables, green tea, herbal tea and nuts. Small amount of wine could improves blood flow which improves your memory. Please notice that I said "Small amount", I think you are well inform how stupid a person could get when they drink "Tremendous amount" of alcohol and get drunk. You Know.

Conclusion, eating right, getting the required amount of sleep and exercises, both mental and physical, will get you smarter and smarter and eventually you will be like this:

Still planning to be smart? xD

Mr.E signing out, got to get myself to be smarter, they are on demand =3


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