Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Destoyer VS Mothra

Here we go again.. My monsters have again arrive =]
Which this time are Gashapon ( Japanese capsule toy), are smaller than my other figures but still perfectly made.

1st i introduce you to Destroyer. His 1st and only appearance is in 'Godzilla VS Destroyer 1995'. One of the strongest monster Godzilla had even fought and at adult form is bigger than Godzilla, Destroyer gave Godzilla a hard time physically and mentally when Destroyer kills Godzilla's son, Godzilla Jr. Destroyer is also one of the monsters that can endure Godzilla Red atomic beam (Red beam usually cause one hit KO), however in the end, Destroyer was defeated with the help of humans.
Next, a monster that appear a lot in Godzilla's movie, Mothra.

The best thing bout this Gashapon, look at the details!! And the color is striking enough to make you love it!!

Mothra, which seem to be one of the famous monster in Godzilla series, seem to appear on screen 17 times!!! From 1961 till 2004, Mothra is as famous as Godzilla. Mothra is basically a good monster and only attack humans if they bring harm to the environment or anybody who attack inhabitants in Infant Island. Mothra being the weakest monster in Godzilla series, always end up dead but eventually another Mothra will hatch from the egg. Mothra which is a moth i guess, is grown for a Larva>Pupa> Mothra. Even tough Mothra is killed easily, sometimes even the worms (twin worm) can defeat Godzilla which happens in Godzilla VS Mothra 1964. Lets look at the worm...which ugly...

I picked the picture that wouldn't show so much of his ugliness... Dun wan to scare you.. And mothra has a archenemy with looks hundred times cool than Mothra worm and even more stronger than Mothra, Battra.

Mothra worm, Battra worm and Battra adult
Battra appears on Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle For The Earth 1992. Really hope could get a Battra figure, but it is very very very expensive... Well that's all for introduction, you want to find out more? Go watch the movie =]
And now... Epic battle between Mothra and Destroyer!!!
Destroyer meets Mothra!!
Mothra attacks Destroyer from the back, hitting destroyer off his feet!
Destroyer reverse the attack and have a Horn attack on Mothra ( A short note: Destroyer's Horn Attack is even more cooler in the movie, his horn eventually become a light saber, slashing Godzilla till he screams out in pain and bleed heavily)
Destroyer have Mothra on the ground, using it's tail, Destroyer pierces Mothra!! Mothra is in danger!!
Sad ending... Mothra's head got pierces off...No matter how much i love Mothra... The fact is...She cant win =/

Well...i have already posted all of my Godzilla's collection, and for now, i have stop ordering them... So...=/

Mr. E signing out, wishing these are not my last Godzilla's collection...


K&A said...

n the beginning of Kamen Rider Series~ Woohooo~

Mr.E said...

LOL!!! OH yea~ But mayb wait the next series of Godzilla, they might re-release those monster again and i might buy again ;)

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