Friday, December 16, 2011

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol- CHECKED!!!

As I reach TGV cinema, I noticed a small counter beside the entrance with a lot of people surrounding it, getting what seem to me door gifts.So i just 'Ke Po' go check it out. Meet an old friend sitting on the counter, ask her what's the deal about this counter. The deal is, you drive a BMW, you get free tickets to watch MI4. Notice that I said "a lot" of people get the door gift, and you only will have the door gift If you driver a BMW. Yes, this paragraph here is for me to bitch on "a lot" of people driving BMW in Penang now, as I still drive a Honda, 2 wheeled.

Now, back to the topic (Mission Impossible's Music Playing~~~~)
It has being 5 years since the last mission, now he is back, the super cool & handsome spy who likes to crush everything he used.

I rate this movie: 9/10
The long 5 years sure has give the production team to have come up with another good plot and actions. Frankly speaking, I have forgotten what the previous mission are all about, but who cares already, this mission has all the thrill you needed! Saving the world from nuclear war, without at backup from Home base & being chase by local cops,  mission impossible indeed.

And here's the reason why BMW gives away free tickets: cause every car Tom Cruise used to chase & crash with is a BMW, and BMW is trying to tell you how hard & effective it's air bag is as when the car crashes, and you will be still standing up saving the world. Marketing.
I can't find a reason to discredit the movie, it is really a movie you must not miss!!

Mr.E signing out, Mission Accomplished!!


w3iyin said...

Nice movie indeed! :):)

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