Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How Love Works

Today I hold a very fascinating subject in my mind, "How Love Works?" At all.
What is it that make you go all out crazy for love, missing your lover every single second, doing things you won't do for others, feel happy if your lover is, and feel sad if your lover is not. Also the fact that all those craziness and blissfulness could just snap easily in the hands of "Time" (Or another "snatcher" who snatch your love away, sucks.)

So who the culprit behind this tragedy/ bliss (Whichever that makes you happy)?
Let's see... So what makes you wanna fall in love? Let me break it down for you:
  • Appearance 

Let's just face the facts. Appearance do matters. Handsome, pretty, cute, cool it all take in account if wherever you fall in love or loved that person. But the world of love is "NOT" totally that cruel~ Subconsciously,  people would more likely to fall in love with opposite sex which appearance reminds them of their parents or themselves. I once again highlight: "SUBCONSCIOUSLY". There is still no explainable why, but most probably because a person would feel more secure to be with people who appearance would remind them of their parents or themselves. But anyways, universally, everybody knows that appearance matters xD

  • Personality
Dun feel all sad if "Appearance Matters" crack you down, chill~ No offence, here's something that you could score on. Everybody have their own personality, which makes you different and makes you unique. So thats how people fall in love with you, the thing that is yours and only yours. Personality plays a great role in love, in fact, the duration of your relationship highly depends on you and your partner's personality. So if you are looking  a place to invest to improve your love life, why not start from you personality?

  • Attraction
We were all function to we fall in love for one main reason: Reproduce. Please dun get the wrong idea. I write this not because to convince everyone that "Love Is About Sex" or vice versa, but is it really the main reason to fall in love, get married and have a family. Back to the topic, we seek for a partner, capable to "mate" for a healthy offspring. We seek someone who would have a different immune system as us, in order to have a "stronger" baby. So how the hell do we know who would be the right one with different immune system as us? All attention here please: "Attraction doesn't not comes on how hot you look(Okay, Mayb a little), scientists' research show that it come from human sweat and smell" (Those nice fragrance ofcourse, unless you are the otherwise). That is how we are "set" to hunt down the "Perfect Mate". I highly agree on "smell", it really makes a person "sexier" =3

Love might have all it complexity and also involve in heart breaking matters that there are people who would prefer to keep their distance away from love. Hey~ Look on the bright side! Let me help you to, here are why "Love" is so amazing:

a) It separates of from animals.
b) Addiction makes you high.
c) High blinds you, could let you escape from cruel reality.
d) The joy you fell when you are loved and love.
e) Sex with love satisfy you in indescribable ways
More...More...More...More....Bla...Bla...Bla... Conclusion:


Mr. E signing out, ♀ + ♂ = ♥


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