Monday, October 31, 2011

Sector 7- CHECKED!!

I though it would be another movie like 'The Host' in 2006, but 'The Host' was 100 times better than this!!!
The monster looks 80% alike, just that the monster this time has more tentacles.

Rating: 3/10
I think the only reason they made this movie is to stop people who complain why those people who work at the oil refinery on the sea earn so much and has so many holiday, this story tells you how dangerous the work could be, but totally not because of there is a monster in the refinery.
Graphic sucks & blue screen way too obvious, monsters movie from the 80's can do better than this.
The 3 points is for 3 reasons:
1) For the laugh
2) Few cool ways the monster eat them
3) Cha Ae-ryeon. Though she die early.

If you gonna watch it for your experience, please make sure it is watched free, or you will regret.

Mr.E signing out, Godzilla still hold the 1st place in monsters movie!!! Godzilla BANZAI!! xD

*Last day of October, double post~ WEEE~

In Time- CHECKED!!!

How would you spend your time, when you have thousand if years, or how would you, when you only have minutes to live?

I love this movie, very interesting plot. Not to mention they have very good castings, Justin Timberlake, Olivia Wilde, Amanda Seyfried, what else do you want? Just a bit sad that Olivia Wilde was just in the movie like 15 minutes, time out. =(

So the movie is about a twisted world where human are engineered to have only one more year to live after they are 25 years old and they have to work for ‘time’, in order to live on. Finally a solution to stay forever young, but you gonna work your ass off, or you die.

Ratings: 9/10
I LOVE the idea of this story, it is really very interesting and new idea (or only to me?). Kinda reflects the society today, the poor rush to be rich and the rich worried of being robbed or exploited. This movie is also the modern version of Robin Hood, just this time they are robbing time.
Plus, how wouldn’t you like it when the beautiful Amanda wears a high heels and run for the whole movie how’s that? Wonder how she does that…

Only thing you could complain about the movie is … Geezh, I can’t think of one, but if you really need a bad comment on this movie… It has no ending. Like most movie that the plot is about fighting the system, it won’t have a proper ending, but I said ending which tells you they gonna rob more banks for ‘time’ is cool enough!

Mr.E signing off,  make sure you precious time are not wasted. Time is such precious.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Worst Day Of A Gamer's Life

Imagine a hardcore gamer playing his one favorite game of PSP like this:

And on one fine day, the gamer continues his routine of his life and he saw this on his PSP screen:

It just happened to me.

Mr.E signing out, Remember always have a spared, before it is all gone T^T

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What's yours?

You should totally try this out!!

This is the 1st 4 that I got:
1) Passionate
2) Talented
3) Charismatic 
4) Charming

So true. Though I dun get what I am talented for, but the charming part should tell that this thing is highly accurate xD

Mr E. Signing out, Tell me what you find!! Love to hear =]

*Got this from WARNING!! It is highly addictive, I wont be responsible if you end up "Forever Alone"

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Real Steel- CHECKED!!!

2 hours and 15 mins long? I din't realize it was that long till I came out of the cinema and look at the watch. I guess the movie did pull me off 'time awareness'.

Now, it was kinda too late for the to watch this movie two days ago, as the movie's 'intensity' was great enough to make everybody run over to the cinema on the 1st day it was release, GSC even make open 2 theater per showtime. So everybody's status in Facebook was like: "Real Steel was great!!", "Thumbs Up, Real Steel!!", "Real Steel so touching!!" Wait wat!! Touching!!?? This should be a movie where robots fight till death! What touching!! So just when I go have  a look....

Rating: 7/10
Why is it nice? Robo fights, it is entertaining. The moral behind the story is also great, "Persistence Prevails Eventually" and with it, even the junk, old robot from the disposal could defeat giants. Technically, this movie is all about the moral value, the relationship between a father & son.

It didn't not give it a full rate, because... Well, not the fault of the designers or anything, I understand that the story was not suppose to have cool, hype designed robots, but... It would be more amusing if "Zeus The Cham" looks more bad-ass.

About the touching thing, the movie is not sooooo touching actually, I seen better, but the movie make you wanna cry because they keep going slow-mo on the scene that the little boy cries, which somehow evoke your emotional string and makes your tears roll. Science. Ceh~

Mr.E signing out, SERIOUSLY!! I have too little movie-time, sad =(

Friday, October 14, 2011




因为"知足常乐"嘛~ xD

Yes, I am that bored =3
And has a pathetic fact that I am when I work, I have so much free time to do this kind of thing, but after working hours, I barely have time and when I do, my body is already asking me to go sleep. Pfh~ time management. 

Mr.E signing out, What would we need to buy time??

Monday, October 10, 2011

Think Out Of The Box.

You see, you are still in the box xP

Mr.E signing out, TROLLING~~

Thursday, October 6, 2011

To One Of The Greatest... Steve Jobs

We should have a moment of silent please...

Sad... Really sad, he must have saw that coming so clear, that after he left Apple, he just went away like that..
The great man Steve Jobs passed away yesterday, peacefully at 56. But yes, he died peacefully, according to the news, he died in the hospital together with all his family. Though, he is real strong, he has fought so long with his pancreatic cancer and had a liver transplant, though no one reveal the real cause of his death, but he is real strong.

We all have lost a genius, motivator, a man who inspires

Mr Steve Jobs, R.I.P

I will always remember his words, and the one I loved the most:

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Mr.E signing out, R.I.P Mr Steve Jobs...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Traveling, Oh Please~!

If you are traveling to another country and ever said this:


Mr.E signing out, Travelling is to see what is different on other people's country. Just go and see the differences. Entrance fee and transportation fee is not a big deal, Dun't complain = =

Sunday, October 2, 2011

LIT feat. QiQi

I have a new blog, specialize on having my photo shoots. My photo blog that means. Please do visit and follow me: Lost-Tans Pics. Your support is much appreciated =]

Mr.E Signing out, Period.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October Feast

No, this is not about me going to October Feast, have tons of free flow, got drunk and end up in somewhere which I duno. Never gonna happen =]

Oh yeaaa~~ October is here! Other than alcohol, you should look forward to new movies too, it won't cause you to vomit. That's the plus.

Wait what~~!!? So now you wanna hunt the troll? Now you hat'in it? Come on~ Leave the troll alone, keep it rolling =3 Anyways... As a movie, this might be quite interesting.. I bet it gonna be something like Jurassic Park. Hell! the troll looks bigger than a T-rex. So troll, you're on my watch list. Just Dun't eat me kay?
The Troll Hunter
Release Date: 06 Oct 2011

Being waiting for this for long, and it is finally here!! Hugh Jackman is involve with steels again, guess is addicted to it, but this time, he is not the steel, he make the steel. So who doesn't wanna to watch robots fight each others? Transformers proof it possible, so let's see how real is Real Steel =]
Real Steel
Release Date: 13 Oct 2011

The remake version of the 1982 The Thing. Same plot, cooler aliens =]
"The Thing" is basically a thing that could imitates it's preys' cells, turning into them after eating them. So yea, is a story about aliens killing someone and become someone and killing another to escape from the cold Antarctic cause the alien is afraid of getting a flu. 
The Thing (2011)
Release Date: 13 Oct 2011

Here we go again~ Are you ready!!? Are you ready!?? To get scared the hell of out your seat watching this? If you are ready, then go watch Ju-On xD. Paranormal Activity 1 & 2 have really really scary trailer, but the movie was just... I won't said plain bored, cause the concept is quite, kinda interesting which the cameras and demon "trolling" with the family, it is not scary that I thought it would be. Let's see how the 3rd one do.
** FYI: If you like Paranormal Activity, you should check out the Japanese Version of it too: Paranormal Activity 2: Tokyo Night.
Paranormal Activity 3
Release Date: 20 Oct 2011

Don't be afraid of the dark, you should be afraid of what's in it =3
Another horror movie that makes you jump off your chair, the "creature" here look more scary then "troll" & surely better than invincible demon who likes to play around with girl in front of cameras. Would spice your mood up before Halloween. BOOOH!!
Don't be afraid of the dark
Release Date: 26 Oct 2011

Mr. E signing out, Me ♥ horror movie =3